Get a Shutter Quote

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Would you like a phone call from a Shutter Specialist?
What day would you like a call from your Shutter Specialist? *
What time of day is best for the Shutter Specialist to call? *

Please click next below to make your shutter specification selections for your quotation.

Melton Classics uses only the finest materials and craftsmanship in the manufacture of our shutters. Please make a Material/Product Selection below.

Custom designs are our specialty. We can add faux tilt rods, cut outs, horns and many other details to add beauty and elegance to your shutters. Please let us know in the notes section how we can customize your shutters

Color selections can be made at time of order based on standard colors. Custom colors will be matched to a customer supplied color selection during submittals.

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When would you like to receive your shutters at your construction site?