Resin/Wood Architectural Shutter Hardware

Mount your Exterior Shutters with our handsome and historically inspired hardware. Deliver contrast, utility, and elegance with this matte-black finished stainless-steel or carbon steel hardware. While helping add a beautiful elegant feature to your shutters, this shutter hardware allows a bit of the exterior cladding to be seen between the window and the shutter for a fine touch of extra detail. Our operable hardware allows the shutter to be closed within the window frame for functionality, as well as beauty.

We offer our hardware in black powder-coated stainless steel or more economical carbon steel in a variety of offsets to fit any application. Melton Classics Bahama Shutters are mounted with aluminum hardware. 

Please call one of our shutter specialists at 800-963-3060 for assistance with hardware for your shutters.


Resin/Wood Architectural Shutter Hardware Resin/Wood Architectural Shutter Hardware Resin/Wood Architectural Shutter Hardware
“S” Holdback Hardware Pintel on Plate Hardware Jamb Pintel Offset 1″Hardware
Resin/Wood Architectural Shutter Hardware Resin/Wood Architectural Shutter Hardware Resin/Wood Architectural Shutter Hardware
Jamb Pintel Offset 2″ Hardware 4″ Lag Pintel Hardware Pintel Shim Hardware
Resin/Wood Architectural Shutter Hardware Resin/Wood Architectural Shutter Hardware Resin/Wood Architectural Shutter Hardware
10″ Strap Hinge Hardware 10″ Backplate Hardware 12″ Strap Hinge Hardware
Resin/Wood Architectural Shutter Hardware Resin/Wood Architectural Shutter Hardware Resin/Wood Architectural Shutter Hardware
12″ Backplate Hardware 6″ L-Hinge Hardware 6″ L-Hinge Backplate Hardware
Resin/Wood Architectural Shutter Hardware Resin/Wood Architectural Shutter Hardware Resin/Wood Architectural Shutter Hardware
Flat Hinge Hardware Flat Hinge Backplate Hardware Acorn Holdback Hardware
Resin/Wood Architectural Shutter Hardware Resin/Wood Architectural Shutter Hardware Resin/Wood Architectural Shutter Hardware
Dog Post Holdback Hardware Rat Tail Holdback Hardware 6″ Lag Bolt Hardware
Resin/Wood Architectural Shutter Hardware Resin/Wood Architectural Shutter Hardware Resin/Wood Architectural Shutter Hardware
12″ Slide Bolt Hardware 12″ Locking Slide Bolt Hardware H-Hinge Hardware
Resin/Wood Architectural Shutter Hardware Resin/Wood Architectural Shutter Hardware Resin/Wood Architectural Shutter Hardware
9″ Adjustable Hinge with 3″ Cleat Hardware Cast Aluminum Pintel Hardware Cast Aluminum L-Hinge Hardware
Resin/Wood Architectural Shutter Hardware    
Cast Aluminum “S” Holdback Hardware    

Tag: shutter hardware

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