FiberWound Classic™ Columns Specifications

FiberWound Classic™ Filament Wound Fiberglass Column Split for Reassembly Installation Instructions

Installer supplied materials:

  1. blocking material
  2. non-corrosive fasteners
  3. premium grade polyurethane adhesive or epoxy adhesive
  4. fiberglass repair materials similar to bondo
  5. metal “L” brackets


Columns will arrive with shafts, capitals and bases split in halves. Each shaft half will be fitted
with reattachment tabs.

Shaft halves will be screwed together when they arrive. There will be two doughnut shaped alignment
rings included inside the shaft for later use aligning the split halves during installation. Split
columns are non-load bearing.

Reassembly Instructions:

  1. Columns that are split for reassembly should be installed similarly to full columns as indicated in standard Tuscan/Doric column installation instructions (steps 1 through 7).
  2. Prior to erecting halves, pre-fit them on the ground. Column halves may not retain semicircular shape when disassembled. If necessary, one of the shaft realignment rings can be attached to the interior of the column shaft, or to the post or steel structural support with blocking and glued inside shaft during installation to aide with realignment of column halves.
  3. Secure one alignment ring to the deck where the column shaft will be placed with blocking to act as an interior framework for the column halves.
  4. Lift one column half into place and glue to alignment ring. Secure column shaft in place using non-corrosive fasteners and metal “L” brackets at top and bottom of shaft.
  5. Lift the second column shaft half into place approximately 3 inches from the first shaft half.
  6. Apply high quality polyurethane or epoxy adhesive to the tabs and to the seam of both shaft halves. Quickly align shaft halves around the interior support and alignment rings and join together using the small grabber screws shipped with the shafts. Wipe off excess adhesive from the surface of the column immediately. Attach the “L” brackets on the second shaft half to the structure using non-corrosive fasteners.
  7. Follow adhesive manufacturers curing guidelines. Be sure to account for cool or damp conditions. Upon completion of curing remove grabber screws and fill screw holes and feather out shaft joint seam with fiberglass repair kit (bondo). After curing finish sand with 120 grit or finer sandpaper.
  8. Install capital and base/plinth halves in place using non-corrosive fasteners, blocking and recommended adhesive.
  9. After installation of capital and base, repair any nicks, screw holes or seams with fiberglass repair kit (bondo) and sand smooth with 120 grit or finer sandpaper.
  10. Follow caulking and painting steps 11 through 13 from Tuscan/Doric column installation instructions.

FiberWound Classic™ Filament Wound Fiberglass Column
Tuscan/Doric Column Installation Instructions

  1. Determine position of plinth by dropping a plumb line from center of beam to deck. This will determine center point of plinth so that shaft will align properly with beam.
  2. Set non-corrosive dowels in deck at opposite corners of plinth to prevent movement of plinth.
  3. Set plinth over dowels and check level. If deck is pitched, level plinth with a fine toothed saw or abrasive saw.
  4. Slide plinth and base onto column shaft from the top of shaft and into position at the bottom of shaft. If base and plinth will not slide easily into position at the bottom of the column, scribe inside edge of each component.
  5. Place capital on top of column shaft. Scribe as necessary. (For Ornamental Capitals see special instructions).
  6. After pre-fitting capital, base and plinth, measure height at column location from beam to deck and trim column shaft to final length from bottom (end with largest diameter). Column shaft should extend from floor to beam for load bearing applications. Use abrasive blade or fine toothed carbide blade power saw.
  7. Mount metal angle brackets at 90 degrees to one another to four sides of the bottom and top of the column shaft. Pre-drill holes for the angle brackets in the bottom of the column shaft and attach brackets with non-corrosive through bolts and nuts. (Note: Do not screw into column shaft use through bolts. Use toggle bolts for attachment of handrails to column shaft.)
  8. Lift column assembly into position under the beam, and fasten angle brackets to beam and deck.
  9. Remove temporary load bearing support to allow weight to be transferred to the column shaft. (Note: Be sure that weight is transferred evenly to the full area of both column ends and that both column ends are in full contact with the deck and beam for maximum load bearing performance.)
  10. Pre-drill capital and attach capital to beam using non-corrosive fasteners and construction adhesive.
  11. Pre-drill and attach square plinth to column base using non-corrosive fasteners. If additional fastening is desired, apply construction adhesive between the base and plinth.
  12. Repair any screw holes or nicks occurring during installation with fiberglass repair kit.
  13. Insert polypropylene backer rope into joint between column capital and base where they meet the column shaft. Caulk joint where capital and base meet shaft with premium grade paintable caulk.
  14. Immediately after installation, apply Alkyd oil base primer and two coats of premium oil based paint to all exterior surfaces.
FiberWound Classic™ Columns Specifications FiberWound™ Columns Specifications

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