Decorative Columns by Melton Classics

Decorative ColumnsDecorative columns by Melton Classics are quality built yet are also affordably priced. They are offered in an extensive selection of authentic classical, contemporary, or custom designs crafted with care in durable low maintenance and maintenance free materials to allow you to select the ideal decorative columns for your needs. We also cover our decorative columns with industry leading warranties and we engineer our decorative columns to decrease installation time and expense, as well. We look forward to the opportunity to assist you with the selection of the ideal decorative columns for your building project.

Please call our decorative columns specialists at 800-963-3060 for a quotation on quality built Melton Classics decorative columns. 


Decorative Columns for Any Building Need

decorative columns for porchesAll of our decorative columns are available as non-load bearing column covers and many are available load bearing, as well. Should your project require a mixture of load bearing decorative columns and decorative column covers, we can also provide you with both load bearing columns and decorative column covers on your order to help eliminate unnecessary seam repair labor. Please contact a Melton Classics decorative column specialist as soon as possible and let us help you to maximize your savings.

Classical, Contemporary and Custom Decorative Columns

Melton Classics also offer decorative columns in a variety of contemporary, Craftsman, Arts and Crafts and unique designs. We also specialize in the manufacture of custom columns and historical restorations where custom built to match decorative columns and millwork products are required. For an affordable priced quotation on your decorative column needs please contact our  Decorative Columns Specialists today at 800-963-3060.

Whether you need round decorative columns, or  square decorative columns, Melton Classics has the selection of column designs you need to add beauty and elegance to your building project. Melton Classics offers a comprehensive selection of authentic classical decorative columns based on the Orders of Architecture. Our classical designs are crafted with a classical bowed entasis shaft taper and classic details and proportion to give your home classical authenticity.


decorative columns for support

Decorative Columns Quality Crafted in Fiberglass

Melton Classics offers the industry’s most broad selection of  decorative fiberglass columns and decorative column covers in a selection of the most durable and low maintenance fiberglass composite materials. These durable fiberglass decorative columns are available in both round and square styles in an unlimited selection of designs at affordable prices. Melton Classics also offers GFRC decorative columnsGRG decorative columns, decorative wood columns and a large selection of synthetic stone columns to meet any building or design need.

An Experienced Decorative Columns Consultant to Assist You

The Decorative Columns Specialists at Melton Classics have many years of  experience in assisting architects, contractors and homeowners in selecting the perfect decorative columns for their building’s design, application, and budget. Each customer is assigned your own product specialist to ensure you will have a successful decorative column purchase and experience. Our many specialists will work with you from product selection and quotation all the way to installation consultation. Please give us a call today at 800-963-3060 for your free consultation and quote.

Tag: decorative columns

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